Official WordPress plugin

Mangopay provides an official integration for WordPress (coupled with WC Vendors, and WooCommerce), enabling you to process payments by using the Mangopay API.

Because this is an official integration maintained by Mangopay teams, you can benefit from:

  • Mangopay support
  • Regular updates

The Mangopay WooCommerce/WC Vendors plugin requires two other WordPress plugins:

  • WooCommerce : Allows you to build an online store on a WordPress site. WooCommerce primarily manages products, orders, and transactions.
  • WC Vendors : Allows you to turn a WooCommerce e-shop into a with multiple vendors, or . WC Vendors primarily manages sellers - their capabilities, commissions, and payouts.

The Mangopay plugin is compatible with any WordPress theme.

Note - To use Mangopay’s official integration, you’ll need:

Both WooCommerce and WC Vendors plugins installed
A Mangopay API key

Key features

  • Process payments with a compliant workflow inside your marketplace
  • Accept payments with several payment methods
  • Onboard sellers and stay compliant


This documentation assumes that you have basic WordPress knowledge.

Download and install the plugins

Before starting, you need to download:

  • WordPress : latest version available here.
  • WooCommerce : latest version available here or directly from your administration panel.
  • WC Vendors : latest version available here or directly from your administration panel.
  • Mangopay’s plugin : latest version here or directly from your administration panel.

Plugin configuration

Configure the Mangopay plugin

Follow the steps to configure your Mangopay plugin:


Activate the plugin on the WordPress plugin page: /wp-admin/plugins.php

Select Mangopay in the left menu and set the environment:

  • Production : For live production
  • Sandbox : For testing and integration

Your Client ID and API Key are available in the Mangopay Dashboard.


Select the type of all your users (buyers, vendors, and businesses) among the following values: Individuals, Businesses, or Either. 

If you’re unsure about which type of user to select, or if you don’t know how your marketplace will evolve, select Either.

Note - Mangopay user documentation

To better understand which type of user to select, see the following articles regarding
Introduction and types

Configure WC Vendors plugin

The Mangopay plugin is compatible with both the standard and the pro version of the WC Vendors plugin. Settings are similar between both versions.

Warning - Refer to the WC Vendors documentation

This guide only refers to WC Vendors features and setup required to use the Mangopay plugin. 
Make sure you read the WC Vendors documentation.

  1. Activate the plugin on the WordPress plugin page: /wp-admin/plugins.php

2. Set up the relevant settings in the plugin Settings view (available by selecting WC Vendors and then Settings in the left menu).

In the…Relevant information
General tab

The Allow users to apply to become a vendeur option is not mandatory.

If you don’t plan on creating a custom page for the registration of sellers, users will be able to apply to become sellers on the default sign-up page.

Commission tab

Make sure you set the commission percentage for sellers. To allow the plugin to capture the right amount of fees, use the following field:

  • Vendeur Commission %

Configure WooCommerce plugin

The WooCommerce plugin will allow to set up additional options necessary for processing payments with Mangopay, including the choice of payment methods to offer the buyers.

Warning - Refer to the WooCommerce documentation

This guide only refers to the WooCommerce features and setup required to use the Mangopay plugin.
Make sure you read the WooCommerce documentation.

  1. Activate the plugin on the plugin page: /wp-admin/plugins.php

**2. Set up the relevant settings **in the plugin Settings view (accessible by selecting WooCommerce and then Settings in the left menu).

In the…Relevant information
General tab

Bear in mind that Mangopay may prevent some actions due to country-specific restrictions.

Learn more about country restrictions

Accounts & Privacy tab

Mangopay cannot process anonymous orders, so make sure you uncheck the following option:

  • Allow customers to place orders without an account
Payments tab

First, activate Mangopay by switching on the “MANGOPAY” toggle.

Once this done, click on the “Manage” button on the right-hand side of the MANGOPAY toggle to:

  • Enable payments by Mangopay

  • Select your payment method To activate/create a custom payment form and to enable preauthorization on a specific product, check the following option:

  • Activate card registration

Learn more about Preauthorizations

Seller management

need to set up their account to successfully use Mangopay features. To fully benefit from the payment experience and collect their revenues, they should:

  • Complete their profile
  • Accept Mangopay T&C
  • Go through the verification process
  • Create their bank account

By default, when installing the Mangopay plugin, new fields are added to the WC Vendors dashboard so that all the mandatory fields necessary to work with Mangopay are available and identified.

Note - Customize the seller experience

You can select a specific WordPress page or even customize the vendor Dashboard.
It can be done by going to the WC Vendors plugin, Settings view (left menu), Display tab. From there, you’ll find the options to customize the Dashboard page and the shop settings pages.

How to verify a seller

To receive a payout, your seller should be verified by Mangopay. To do so, they need to upload the necessary verification documents according to the requirements by user type.

Warning – Storage of KYC documents prohibited

You must only use the plugin form for document management. 
Your seller should never send you data or verification document by email or directly to your server.
You’re not allowed to store verification documents (in any format, even encoded) on your side.

Two options are available to upload verification documents.

  1. Sellers can upload their verification documents by filling the corresponding form in the shop Settings page.

  2. Alternatively, sellers may be able to connect to the wp-admin to upload their verification documents. All the necessary fields are available in the seller’s profile.

Warning - Mangopay T&C acceptance

Your seller must accept Mangopay T&C. This field is available below the Bank account information.

How to create a bank account

In addition to being verified, sellers must provide a valid bank account in order to successfully collect their revenues. To do so, they need to go to the shop Settings page and enter their bank account information.

Mangopay supports any type of bank account.

Refunds and payouts (Mangopay Dashboard)

Some features are not handled by the Mangopay WooCommerce/WC Vendors plugin and should be done in the Mangopay Dashboard.


Doing a refund is possible through the Mangopay Dashboard.

  1. Get the pay-in Id in WooCommerce

In the WooCommerce plugin, Orders menu, open the order for which a refund is to be made.

In the Custom Fields section, get the **mp_transaction_Id **value.

  1. Make the refund in the Mangopay Dashboard

In the Mangopay Dashboard, search for the pay-in with your mp_transaction_Id value (which corresponds to the Mangopay pay-in Id), and make the refund.

Seller payout

  1. Transfer the revenues to the seller

Before payout, commissions (i.e., the seller’s revenues minus the ) should be transferred to the seller’s wallet.

There are two ways to proceed:

  • Manually : In the WC Vendors plugin, Commissions menu, select any commission with the “Due” status and select the “Mangopay payout”.
  • Automatically : In the WooCommerce plugin, Settings menu, Payments tab, click on the “Manage” button for the Mangopay payment method, and then activate the “Enable direct payout of vendors” option. As a result, the plugin will perform a transfer from the buyer’s wallet to the seller’s wallet when the status of the order turns into “completed”.

Note - Commissions “payouts” are actually transfers

The “Mangopay payout” and “Enable direct payout of vendors” options do not refer to a in the Mangopay sense of the term (i.e., wiring the funds to an external bank account). 
It is actually a from one wallet (the ) to another (the ).

  1. Make the payout to the seller’s external bank account

In order to transfer the revenues of the sellers to their external bank account, you’ll need the user’s Id and then access the Mangopay Dashboard.

In the WordPress Users menu, search for the seller for which a payout is to be made.

In the MANGOPAY section, click on “do a payout” to be redirected to the relevant view in the Mangopay Dashboard in order to make the payout.

Get support

Mangopay’s Support team is here to help you out if you have issues regarding the Mangopay WooCommerce/WC Vendors plugin.

Best Practice – Provide health check screenshot

For Mangopay’s Support team to efficiently answer your request, make sure you provide a screenshot of your health check.
It’s available by clicking on the Mangopay plugin in the WordPress left menu: /wp-admin/plugins.php?page=mangopay_settings

Contact Support from the Dashboard →