The Card object is the virtual and secured version (i.e., the tokenized version) of a card that can be used to make a payment.
The card object is created upon successfully completing the card registration process. The same actual card can be registered several times for security and privacy purposes. As a consequence, for a single real-life card, multiple Card objects can be created in the Mangopay environment.
Caution – Card validation within 24 hours
A successful transaction (preauthorization, pay-in, or recurring) or card validation within 24 hours of the card registration is required to validate a card. Otherwise, the card becomes invalid and a new card registration will be necessary.
Format: “MMYY”
The expiration date of the card.
The card number, partially obfuscated.
Returned values: CB_VISA_MASTERCARD
The type of the card. If not supplied, the default value will be taken into account.
Allowed values: CB
The provider of the card.
Format: ISO-3166-1 alpha-3 three-letter country code (e.g., “FRA”)
The country of the card (which is the same as the country of the issuer).
The product type of the card. You can find the list of products in the Card products article (coming soon).
The unique 5-number code of the issuer.
Whether the card is active or not. Setting this parameter to false
is irreversible and should be done once the pay-in is successful.
Returned values: The three-letter ISO 4217 code (EUR, GBP, etc.) of a supported currency (depends on feature, contract, and activation settings).
The currency of the card.
Returned values: UNKNOWN
Whether the card is valid or not.
– No payment or card validation has been processed, so the validity of the card remains unknown.VALID
– The first payment or card validation using the card was processed successfully within 24 hours of the initial card registration.INVALID
– The first payment or card validation using the card was attempted and failed, or the status of the corresponding card registration wasCREATED
for more than 24 hours.
Once a card is set toINVALID
, it cannot be set back toVALID
. A new card registration will be necessary to make a payment.
The unique identifier of the user the card belongs to.
The unique identifier of the Card object.
Custom data added to this object.
In the case of the Card object, the tag value is inherited from the Card Registration object and is not editable.
The date and time at which the object was created.
The unique representation of the card number. This string can be used to track the card behavior while keeping the card information confidential.
Max. length: 45 characters
The cardholder’s name shown on the payment card. This value is passed to the card network for use in transaction risk analysis.
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