When an HTTP error occurs, an error report is returned with the following information:

PropertyTypeDescription and value
MessagestringThe description of the error.
TypestringThe type of the error (e.g., param_error, ressource_not_found, etc.)
IdstringThe unique identifier of the error. This information may be requested by our Support team when investigating an issue.
DateUnix timestampThe date and time at which the error occurred.
ErrorsobjectThe list of issues that triggered the HTTP error.

Example HTTP errors

The following examples show the HTTP error report. Further examples are given in the responses to a given endpoint where relevant and valuable.

400 Bad Request
    "Message": "One or several required parameters are missing or incorrect. An incorrect resource ID also raises this kind of error.",
    "Type": "param_error",
    "Id": "5e83fbe8-7345-4778-8437-4aa6464b3337",
    "Date": 1740581497.0,
    "errors": {
        "CreditedWalletId": "The CreditedWalletId field is required."
400 Bad Request
    "Message": "One or several required parameters are missing or incorrect. An incorrect resource ID also raises this kind of error.",
    "Type": "param_error",
    "Id": "59fd66e0-c84e-4a24-abaa-a22f8c1ac230#1740580804",
    "Date": 1740580805,
    "errors": {
        "IBAN": "The value is not a valid IBAN"
403 Forbidden
    "Message": "This endpoint is not available for your account",
    "Type": "forbidden_ressource",
    "Id": "18afb259-3ce8-4985-916c-8f308e776fcc",
    "Date": 1740580883,
    "errors": null
404 Not Found
    "Message": "The ressource does not exist",
    "Type": "ressource_not_found",
    "Id": "9b3d2584-77ba-4723-aa43-6aceba34c8dc#1740580881",
    "Date": 1740580882,
    "errors": {
        "RessourceNotFound": "Cannot found the ressource PayIn with the id=123456789"
409 Conflict
    "Message": "A resource has already been created with this Idempotency Key",
    "Type": "idempotent_creation_conflict",
    "Id": "3a61d663-eefa-41dc-9665-bce3a88d8eda#1740581343",
    "Date": 1740581344,
    "errors": null