As per Mangopay’s privacy statement, Mangopay processes users’ personal data for the provision of its services.
Privacy statement
The privacy statement applies to all users, whether categorized as Payers or Owners.
You should have a link to Mangopay’s privacy statement in your privacy statement.
Furthermore, if a user is using a Mangopay payment method to make a pay-in on your platform as a Payer, they must be provided with:
- The notice that Mangopay is processing the payment
- A link to Mangopay’s Privacy Statement
On your payment or checkout page, therefore, you should display these elements:
Processed by Mangopay. Privacy.
This privacy mention is taken care of for you if you’re using Checkout SDK.
Rights requests
Under applicable data protection laws, data subjects benefit from certain rights (for example, the right of access, rectification, deletion, etc.) and the handling of their requests to exercise these rights are subject to strict legal conditions.
As a data controller, Mangopay is responsible for handling data subject rights (DSR) requests from when they are first received until their conclusion. Platforms partnering with Mangopay also have their own independent obligations under privacy regulations.
In this context, users are considered as data subjects and they must contact Mangopay regarding their privacy-related query.
To do so, they can send an email to Mangopay’s appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO) as detailed below.
Note – Users must contact us directly
You cannot forward an email from your user to our DPO address. You must ask the user to contact Mangopay directly.
If one of your users makes a DSR request to your platform which also concerns Mangopay, you must ask the user to send a separate request to the relevant email address below.
How users can exercise their rights
To exercise their privacy rights or submit a privacy-related request, users need to send an email to Mangopay’s appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO).
The email address is different depending on the entity your platform contracted with:
- Mangopay S.A. –
- Mangopay U.K. Ltd. –
If you’re unsure which email address you should be providing to users, reach out to our teams via the Dashboard.
Redirecting users to Mangopay
You can redirect users to Mangopay as you wish, according to your relationship and branding. You do not need to use specific wording.
All that matters is that:
- The user is provided with the relevant email address as described above
- Mangopay is identified as your platform’s payment service provider
As an example, you could use the following wording on your website or in communications:
If you wish to exercise your privacy rights with our payment service provider, Mangopay, please send your request to [insert relevant email address here].
Information for end users regarding privacy and other subjects is also available on our website.
Partnership and visibility
As a data controller, Mangopay is responsible for handling interactions related to user privacy from when they are first received until their conclusion.
Queries from users about Mangopay’s personal data processing activities must be dealt with independently by Mangopay, and platforms do not have visibility over these interactions.
In cases that involve both Mangopay and your platform, Mangopay aims for close mutual collaboration to ensure the data subject’s query is resolved within the legal time frame.
If your platform wishes to contact Mangopay regarding data privacy matters, please contact our Support team via the Dashboard.
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